Who is God? (The Son)

Who is God? (The Son)

Jesus is given many titles in Scripture: Redeemer, Messiah, Son of David, Bread of Life, Lord, & Lamb of God. The truth is Jesus is a divisive character nowadays. People from all walks of life can have differing opinions on who Jesus was and is.

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John 3:16-17
Today we look at the second person of the trinity - God the Son. We know Him as Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Savior of the world. He is given many titles in Scripture: Redeemer, Messiah, Son of David, Bread of Life, Lord, & Lamb of God. The truth is Jesus is a divisive character nowadays. People from all walks of life can have differing opinions on who Jesus was and is. That was even true when Jesus walked the earth as well. Sitting by the fire with his companions, Jesus asked, “Who do men say I am?” They had many answers, just as people do today. But Peter found a way to get to the heartbeat of the matter…
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