Who are We? (Sinners & Saints)

Who are We? (Sinners & Saints)

How can people simultaneously be capable of so much evil and so much good? How does God work out his glory in imperfect humans? A great place to start is in the life of one of the most historically flawed people in scripture: Samson.

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Psalm 103:12-14
What is our purpose? Why are we here? How can people simultaneously be capable of so much evil yet also good? How does God work out his glory in imperfect humans? A great place to start is in the life of one of the most historically flawed people in Scripture: Samson. Samson was famous for his strength but even more famous for his stupidity. For all his power, he could not master his carnal desires and emotions. There are two different types of people: sinners and Jesus. If you aren’t Jesus, that means you must be a sinner. Now, maybe you aren’t the type of sinner Samson was. But, no matter who you are and how you sin, you need a Savior. Just like Samson and Saul, our stories can be redeemed. Our imperfections are no longer things to be ashamed of but rather an opportunity for the strength and grace of Jesus to manifest!
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